Hair care - Hebsur Herbals Nature's Lifestyle Mon, 15 Nov 2021 07:17:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Hair care - Hebsur Herbals 32 32 Amazing Benefits of Aloe Vera Gel for Hair Mon, 15 Nov 2021 06:18:44 +0000 The post Amazing Benefits of Aloe Vera Gel for Hair appeared first on Hebsur Herbals.


Amazing Benefits of Aloe Vera Gel for Hair


Everyday infinite species living on the planet earth are being compelled to deal with the disturbances caused by the mankind such as destruction of mother nature and the wildlife by urban expansion and industrialization. Due to which we are now at our excellence of fouling the purity of our environment by air and water pollutants which is drastically effecting our health and beauty. One such major effect is on our hair . The Hair is prone to the pollutants each day causing hair damage and breakage . Making the hair dry dull brittle and frizzy. People who you meet everyday the first thing they notice about you is no less than the hair feature that you posses. Each one of us wish to have a perfect hair , in such obsession we commonly pick out hundreds of haircare products following multiple trail and errors which rather damage our hair instead of grooming it. 

But don’t you worry, we now have come up with the best natural use of aloevera gel for your hair as well that will only give you various benefits which absolutely has got no down side complains or  any drawbacks. Yes, we are talking about using aloe vera gel for your hair. 

Well, Who hasn’t heard of aloe vera? Yes, aloe vera is a most historic and Evolutionary plant. It has been now known and used for several thousand of years because of its beauty, health and medicinal properties. Aloe Vera is also been considered as “the universal panacea” by the Greek scientists and “the plant of immortality” by the Egyptians.  Knowing the biochemistry of aloevera gel will completely blow your mind away as it not only contains anti-fungal anti-bacterial anti-viral antioxidant properties but also has cell regenerative properties. We have known aloe Vera’s efficacy for various skin conditions but from past a decade it is also known for its effects on hair and has helped to resolve issues of split ends, dry scaly scalp, or even Seborrheic dermatitis commonly known as dandruff in that case. The leaves of plant Aloe vera contain thick lustrous translucent flesh which is used as a gel. Moreover, as we know not everyone has this plant put up around their gardens in such cases Hebsur Herbals aloevera gel works the finest and just well as it’s been made without any use of external parabens and has been procured naturally at its best. 

Why chose aloevera gel for hair over other haircare products?  Here’s what you should know. 

Benefits of aloe vera gel for your hair

Strengthens hair strands

Aloe vera gel has as many as 75 active constituents and factors that can assist in repairing and strengthening your hair. Aloe vera gel contains bioactive folic acids, Choline, minerals such as copper and zinc are prime micronutrients for hair growth, amino acids, etc. Aloevera gel is very much rich in vitamins such as A, B12, C, and E.  These active components can help in treating your hair from damage and breakouts. Aloevera gel also plays essential key role in constricting healthy hair follicles. After the application of T aloe gel to your scalp, it engages in moisture and obstructs external toxins from damaging hair. Most hair problems is due to the deficiency of hair protein fortunately aloe vera gel can give your hair all the nourishment it needs providing a good black bright hair. 

Thus, resulting in strong and healthier hair. As mentioned earlier aloevera gel contains Vitamin E which profoundly nourishes the scalp and makes hair stronger thicker and nourished.  

Repair and fosters Hair growth

We have been told about innumerable myths around how to make our hair grow faster and thicker. Most of us believe in regular hair spa treatments such as go for a trim while others lead themselves clear of scissors and quietly leave their hair to grow by itself. Whatever be our own quirks and tips on how to grow long shinny thick hair, one thing that isn’t denied is as to how our hair grows. Understanding how our hair works put you in a better position to choose what’s best for it and what should be avoided.

Talking of aloe vera gel it contains antioxidants that specifically help in the development and nourishment of hair cells naturally as some of the research claims in doing so. Though it’s not been proven or disapproved. We often ignore the dehydration concerns regarding our own hair as many of us are not quite aware of it. Yes, your frizzy dull stringy hair look is what is caused due to dehydration. Results have shown that aloe vera gel has tremendous moisturizing property which meets the hydration requirements of our hair. After Cleansing and conditioning your scalp with the aloevera gel, you might witness several changes such as prevents hair breakage and hair loss and with time enhances Smoothening and moisturizing effects. 

Anti-dandruff agent

Dandruff is a common skin condition that causes scalp to itch and flake. Every other person you meet might be spotted with white flakes of skin on their scalp or clothes. Living with such chronic dandruff conditions might be frustrating with the irritation of dry itchy scalp. Besides worrying about of being embarrassed when people around you notice such things is even more stressful that tends to effect the quality of life. Trying out different hair products sometimes adulterated with chemicals are more or less substantiated in being harmful. So why not trying out something so pure obtained through nature that is Aloe vera gel for your hair as it contains enzymes that are proven to be beneficial in reducing inflammation and itchiness on your dry scalp. These enzymes also control greasy hair. Similarly, Aloe Vera Gel acts as a best cleanser for your scalp which can pull out all the dead cells and helps hair follicles grow and nourish to the finest. Aloe vera gel being a probiotic has got many essentials in it.  Massaging your scalp with it on regular basis will lessen the dandruff production because aloevera gel is potent in antifungal conditions thereby given the cause of dandruff is taken care of.  

Although usage of aloevera gel has given least side effects and is suitable for all skin types. In addition it is not a gender biased product either but to be on a safer side before using it make sure you do a patch test to ensure you have no allergy related concerns and is host friendly. 

By virtue of this we ask you to make a firm and an healthy choice over your personal haircare treatment. Hope you take a good advantage of the aloevera gel having known its excellent hair growth abilities and make a regular use of it. Trust me, it will keep you vibing a “good hair day” all along.

Alover Gel

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Adopt Traditional Ways To Keep Your Hair Healthy And Strong Sat, 08 May 2021 10:29:08 +0000 The post Adopt Traditional Ways To Keep Your Hair Healthy And Strong appeared first on Hebsur Herbals.


Adopt Traditional Ways To Keep Your Hair Healthy And Strong

Hair care

We often hear people say, “looks like today is a bad hair day”, hair care using the right oil and shampoo can make all days, “Good hair days”. Hair care was very simple and natural in the past. With changes in lifestyle of people and hair care services, various hair care products came into the market which made it more challenging for the sellers and buyers as well. We should understand while the actual hair appears outside of our body on our scalp, the living parts of the hair are beneath the skin. We need products that work from within. Oiling our hair helps in regulating the health of our hair.  Washing our hair removes excess sweat and oil, dirt from the hair. A balanced diet and hydration is equally important to maintain healthy hair.  Using natural ingredients in our hair care routine and avoiding chemicals in the best choice we can make.


Oiling of hair which is typically done before shampooing and if done on regular basis works like magic on our scalp and hair and provides much needed moisture and nourishment. We can read about usage of hair oil in the history too, like the Egyptians used castor oil and almond oil since Egypt has hot and dry weather. We can note that the necessity of the kind of hair oil changed as per the region. In India, base oils made using mustard, sesame, castor, coconut have always been used which were infused with herbs and other plant extracts depending on the condition of the hair. Amla was added to treat hair loss and Bringaraj for stress relief. Usage of any hair oil is incomplete without a good massage in typical desi or Indian style which we proudly call as Champi. New haircare products entered the market which tried to depict that the product has benefits that a hair oil can provide, we started favouring hair serums, hair masks and so on which cannot provide the benefits of a natural hair oil. Even if we use the new age hair care products, we should continue using natural and herbal hair oils. One thing is for sure that artificial hair oil products have a temporary effect on our hair and is mostly external whereas a natural and herbal hair oil can reach the root of the hair and provide long lasting effects. Traditional and natural herbal hair oils are definitely making a comeback.


A perfect massage to cleanse the body and hair was known as Champu in India since many years. The colonial traders used to indulge in their daily bath with a Champu. When they returned to Europe, they introduced their hair treatment inspired from Champu and called it as Shampoo. A variety of herbs and their extracts have been used to cleanse the hair since ancient times, shikakai is one amongst them which is popular till date. Shampoo came into existence in other parts of the world and more changes were made with time and natural shampoo became detergent based, sulphate based, parabens based, perfumed based and synthetic based too. Shampoo then contained chemicals only and the natural ingredients slowly went missing.

Make a choice: HERBAL or CHEMICAL based?

When we decide to use a new hair product, we often wonder if the hair product, may be an oil or shampoo will damage our hair with the chemicals in it. The ingredients in a chemical based shampoo might be good for a short term, but is of serious concern when used on long term basis. Chemical based shampoos provide short term solutions. Chemical based shampoos affect the natural quality of our hair.

Herbal products might work slowly on the hair but it natural extracts and herbs are better absorbed by the hair. Since the herbal hair products are derived from nature, for example virgin coconut oil, they are eco-friendly post usage too. Herbal shampoos do not produce much lather and we tend to believe that more the foam, better the shampoo, the foam is due to sulphates which generally dries the hair and washes off the natural oils and moisture of the hair.

To know the effects of herbal products, we should detox our hair from chemical based hair oils and shampoos and try herbal products manufactured by trusted brands, suitable for our hair for long term usage, this will provide results and rejuvenate our hair and make them stronger and healthier.


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